What is the typical process for responsive web application development?

What is the typical process for responsive web application development?

Design is arguably the essential part of creating an unbeatable product. While your idea might be watertight, it's imperative to bring that idea to fruition flawlessly, and product designers will make or break that process. If you want highly-skilled designers and developers onboard, you might have to invest time and effort to reach one.

However, when you are planning to build a responsive web application or website, for that matter, we are mentioning some of the steps you should never miss to avoid being in bad shape post-development. There are some key design steps to be followed by every designer and need to be communicated well in advance to the developer so that the end product comes in the right shape and size.

Responsive Web Application Development

Whenever we hear the term application, mobile phones come into our minds. However, responsive app development offers crisp and straightforward usability as anyone can access it. It becomes easier to scale up the mobile version. Moreover, mobile-first web design also helps in reevaluating the visual and functional necessities. Altogether, if we talk about responsive web app development, it has an increasing demand in today's digital landscape.

What are the different screen resolutions for Responsive Web Design?

Below is a list of the most common screen resolutions among mobile, tablet, and desktop users worldwide. As you can see, there is a wide range of solutions; thus, neither mobile, tablet, nor desktop presently have a significant market share. This implies that designers must consider all of them when thinking about flexible web design.

·         360x640 pixels (tiny mobile): 22.64 percent

·         1366x768 pixels (typical laptop): 11.98%

·         375x667 (average mobile): 5%

·         1440x900 (average desktop): 3.17 percent

·         1920x1080 (large desktop): 7.35 percent

·         1920x1080 (large desktop): 7.35 percent

·         1920x1080 (large desktop): 7.35 percent

·         1920x1080 (large desktop): 7.35 percent

·         1920x1080 (large desktop

·         2.74 percent for 720x1280 (big mobile).

To match our target audience's user demographics (or predicted user demographics), we should segregate the data by region, much as we did with device breakdown. It's also critical to accommodate common resolutions because while some screen sizes aren't widely used now, they may become so in the future. This will let responsive designers create future-proof user experiences that will work even if market share moves.

Responsive Design Best Practices

It is crucial to get your hands on the best practices towards achieving a responsive web application. Let us follow the lines below!

Eliminate the Friction

You are creating a responsive web application, and it is essential to keep the users in mind. Your users are the priority. After all, all the efforts are happening for them. Moreover, you must help the developers or designers to evaluate all the necessary features for the app. Everything must resonate with the online users and build connectivity.

Furthermore, we can begin working on the micro-interactions by adding variable call to action buttons for different devices. Achieving the goal is a must. Hence, you must direct the users to purchase or avail your services.

One-page Web Application

One page is tending in our modern digital world. It builds interaction, and users have a good experience on an on-page web application. It is concise, straightforward, and engaging at the same time. You must understand that online users do not want to spend extra time on the site looking for your services. However, it would be best to think of ways to reduce their time. It helps in building more interaction with the products.

Consider Designing for Thumbs

Creating a responsive web application is challenging. Your core objective is to enhance user interaction. Some online users would access the application through their smartphones, and it must function with perfection on their smart devices. You must pay close attention to enhancing its features, keeping in mind your mobile users. Designing for thumbs is essential. The size of your smartphone is not very big. Hence, everything must be well-planned and highly functional. All of this holds immense importance.

Moreover, mobile users hold their devices in their hands. It would be best to think of ways to put the CTAs in their proper position. Creating a user interface is an essential aspect that leads to good user interaction. Let us see how you can optimize the web app for thumbs below;

·         Navigation must be on the bottom to help users reach conveniently.

·         Interaction elements must be easy to reach

·         Keep the essential features in the middle of the screen.

·         Have good CTAs to build interaction.

Keep Mobile Hardware in Mind

Keeping mobile hardware in mind while developing a web application is essential. Responsive web app design is not only about making everything fit perfectly. It is about adapting to the capabilities of the devices themselves. It would be best if you did your research on the hardware before implementing anything. Work on the checkout or card interaction processes. Every device performs differently.

Moreover, working on photographs and their sharing on social media is necessary. The two-factor authentication method on devices must never be overlooked. You must check the overall performance of the web application on the devices. Having a prototype before launching it is a must. It will give a clear and crisp idea of how well it will perform.

Learn the Responsive Breakpoint of Devices

Every user is different. Some do not support browsers on full-screen, and some users use it by fully maximizing it. However, your designer must consider all the responsive breakpoints of the devices your users are using today. They need to account for what will happen in between the breakpoints.

Moreover, the layout must fit the size of your screen. It would be best if you optimized the sizes accordingly while designing it. Keeping the percentage units in mind will allow elements to look fluid. And setting the minimum and maximum width is essential. It will help in covering your designs accordingly.

Work on Landscape Orientation

We already know about the responsive breakpoints now. However, we must also ensure that our web app is optimized for landscape orientation. It is essential because the majority of the users like landscape. It gives them much better navigation through the web app to them.

Final Thoughts

It is essential to consider the following aspects of developing a responsive web app. You must ensure everything falls in place and enhances the user experience to a greater level. All the best!